Jeremy D. Rackley Shares the Top 6 Things You Need to Know About Successfully Marketing Your Brand

Jeremy D. Rackley
4 min readNov 12, 2020

Knowing how to market your business is extremely important if you wish to be successful. In fact, sometimes marketing is what makes or breaks a business. That is why doing the necessary research and learning exactly what it takes to market your brand successfully is key.

As a marketing expert who spent over a decade working for Google and who now owns his own Brooklyn-based marketing firm, JC Marketing, Jeremy D. Rackley has a lot of experience with successfully marketing a brand. He outlines the top six things you need to know about marketing your brand.

Jeremy D. Rackley Shares the Top 6 Things You Need to Know About Successfully Marketing Your Brand

Know Your Audience

According to Jeremy D. Rackley of Brooklyn, New York, when it comes to marketing your brand, you have to know your audience. It is a huge mistake to assume that anyone, anywhere could be a potential buyer. The reality is that most products or services have a specific target demographic. The earlier you identify this demographic and cater your marketing strategies to them, the better. In order to identify your niche or target audience, consider factors like age, gender, location, and purchasing patterns. The best way to understand your audience is to start with your existing customers. Examine who they are and what might be motivating them. Once you’ve figured that out, you can then begin considering who you might like your target customer base to be, if isn’t your existing one.

Set One Goal at a Time

Jeremy D. Rackley claims that a common marketing mistake businesses make is to implement several different marketing strategies all at once. He understands that marketing can be overwhelming, as there are tons of different directions you can go in, but in order to understand which strategies are working and which aren’t, it’s important to focus on one goal at a time. Consider where you think the biggest impact will be or which area you think you are weakest in right now. From there, set a goal around that one key area and focus your energy and resources on achieving that goal. When you’ve made some progress on your first goal, only then should you set a new objective.

Find What Works and Stick to It

The third trick to marketing your brand successfully is to find something that works and stick with it. Jeremy D. Rackley claims that once you test out a few different marketing strategies or initiatives, analyze the data, figure out what works, and really double down on the strategy that works. Doubling down on proven methods is a great way to generate revenue. However, Rackley warns that just because something works well now doesn’t mean it will in the future, so always keep a close eye on the data.

Track Everything with Analytics Tools

Relating to the point above, Jeremy D. Rackley claims that tracking everything — your social media likes, your website traffic, your blog post clicks — is of the utmost importance. However, tracking everything can seem overwhelming when you consider how large your digital presence is. That is where analytics platforms come in. There are all kinds of useful analytics tools out there, many of which are free. Buffer, Hootsuite, Iconosquare, and Google Analytics are a few. Do your research and decide which ones are right for you.

Use Social Media

JC MARKETING Use Social Media

Almost no business can be successful in the 21st century without social media marketing. Having a strong social media presence is critical to growing your brand awareness and increasing sales. In Jeremy D. Rackley’s mind, since it is free to create social media platforms, it’s definitely something all businesses should be doing. Other potential benefits include increasing website traffic, improving search engine rankings, and most of all, engaging with potential and existing customers in a meaningful way.

Seek Help from a Professional

Jeremy D. Rackley’s last piece of advice for successfully marketing your brand is to seek help from professionals when you need it. For a variety of reasons, whether it be budgetary or time-related, many business owners are not able to focus on marketing as much as they should. Rather than simply letting this part of the company fail, consider hiring a marketing firm like JC Marketing to help. Marketing firms are made up of experts in their field, who know the ins and outs of the industry and who will be able to suggest and implement a whole host of innovative marketing strategies.

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Jeremy D. Rackley

Jeremy D. Rackley of Brooklyn, New York, is the founder and managing partner of JC Marketing.